Keewatin Air Pilots, It’s Time.

Keewatin Air Pilots: Welcome to ALPA!

On June 5, the Canada Industrial Relations Board certified ALPA as the official representative of Keewatin Air pilots. You join more than 74,000 pilots at now 42 Canadian and U.S. airlines. Congratulations, and congratulations to the Keewatin ALPA Organizing Committee. The committee worked very hard and ran an extremely positive campaign. And they certainly demonstrated that they are pro-Keewatin, pro-pilot, and pro-ALPA!

The Keewatin pilots proved it is indeed your time! And now "It’s Time" for all Keewatin pilots to get to work and make your voices heard. Welcome aboard.


As a Keewatin Air pilot, ALPA’s services, resources, and benefits are now available! We want to make it as easy as possible for you to participate in your union.

Become a Member and Reap the Benefits

If you filled out a membership card during the organizing campaign, you are now an ALPA member. Congratulations! Your member number, which you should have received by email, provides access to many benefits, including:

  • Insurance Products Designed for Canadian Pilots
  • ALPA Aeromedical
  • The ALPA App, including Flight Finder and the “Orange Card”

If you did not complete a membership card during the organizing campaign please submit your application online. If you have questions, call ALPA’s Membership Administration Department at 1-888-FLY-ALPA (press 3 and 3 again) during regular business hours. The sooner we receive your application, the faster we can activate benefits.

Get Involved

ALPA is a member-driven, staff-supported organization. Keewatin Air pilots will set the group’s strategic goals, determine the course of action, and participate on MEC and ALPA committees, so we encourage you to participate in pilot group meetings and activities and consider serving on a committee. If you are interested in volunteering, e-mail your reps and let them know your areas of interest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your union questions.

Meet Your ALPA Representatives

Captain Representative and MEC Chair
Capt. Lahiru Gunawardhana
(587) 703-7473

First Officer Representative and MEC Vice Chair
Capt. Fraser Mackeen
(902) 441-7865

Capt. Matt Caissie
(506) 863-8763

ALPA Benefits


The Advantages of an International Union
Air Line Pilot Magazine
Insurance Designed by Pilots for Pilots
Meet Your Future ALPA Colleagues

ALPA History


Read Both Volumes of Flying the Line:

Volume I: 1931-2010 (PDF)
Volume II: 2010-2020 (PDF)

Listen Flying the Line:

Top Five Reasons to Join ALPA


ALPA's team approach to negotiations

ALPA’s team approach to negotiations will secure a better collective agreement for you and your pilot group, helping achieve your goals of fair pay, improved work rules, and a better quality of life.


Making your job safer and more secure

ALPA is the world’s largest non-governmental aviation safety organization that makes your job safer and more secure, in the air and on the ground. We play a key role in government and industry efforts.


ALPA's voice in Ottawa

ALPA, recognized as the voice of airline pilots in Ottawa, has established the rapport you need with members of Parliament and other government officials—powerful people who make decisions that directly affect your career.


ALPA's products and services give you peace of mind and protection

ALPA is the world’s largest pilot union, in the best position to take care of you and your family. With programs and products tailored specifically to your needs, we provide products and services that independent unions could never match.


ALPA's global presence benefits you in many ways

Only ALPA, the sole representative for pilots in both the U.S. and Canada for the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Association (IFALPA), can represent you and your interests at significant international and regional forums—including ICAO, the aviation arm of the United Nations.

“I could see that unless we got a pilots’ association with real power, there wouldn’t be enough money in airline flying to make it worth my effort. I would have to go back to slipsticking at a desk, and I didn’t want that; I wanted to keep flying.”

Byron S. “Pop” Warner, one of the 24 “Key Men” who founded ALPA