Fellow pilots,
As a follow-up to our email from last week, we have an important update regarding our March schedules.
The terms of our Collective Agreement (CA1) stipulate Keewatin must implement seniority bidding for its pilots. As many of you are aware, our recent March schedules did not reflect seniority bidding.
We have spoken with the Company, and the March schedules will remain as is. However, schedules from April and onward should reflect the terms of CA1 for seniority bidding. The MEC will personally sit down with the Company to assist in ensuring seniority bidding is effectively implemented.
As per a memo from our Director of Flight Operations to our pilots:
It has been agreed by ALPA and the company that in order to prevent a recurrence, all pilots must submit their bids by 4 pm on the 8th of each month to allow for a reasonable period for the company to input the information into the schedule for distribution at the end of day on the 15th.
Please note that bids submitted after January 15th will not be considered and no schedule changes for now until Mar 31, 2025, will occur.
You can feel confident that we will continue to work with the Company to ensure all the terms of CA1 are fully implemented and adhered to.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns at keewatinpilots@alpa.org.
In unity,
Your MEC