Fellow Pilots,
In this update we want to highlight the following:
- Digital Contract Presentation
- Contract Voting
Digital Contract Presentation
Thank you to everyone that came out to attend our roadshows. There were a lot of good questions, and we appreciate your interest.
We are pleased to share with you a digital copy of the contract presentation for anyone that was unable to attend a roadshow.
We have also completed a FAQ document. The FAQ document is a living document that will be updated by our MEC, Negotiating Team and ALPA staff, regularly, so please check back often.
The FAQ is attached to this document, and you can also find it here.
The contract presentation is attached to this document, and you can also find it here.
Contract Voting
Ballot is Open
Ballot Closes – Wednesday, November 20, 2024 – 10am ET
Balloting details are forthcoming from ALPA’s Balloting Department regarding the voting process. For all those who were classified as active on November 6, please be sure to cast your vote.
If you have not received an email from Balloting, have issues logging in, or have any additional questions, please email keewatinpilots@alpa.org.
As a reminder, all materials relating to the TA will be found here: https://kew.alpa.org/Tentative-Agreement-Resources.
In Unity,
Your MEC & Negotiating Committee