Fellow pilots,
Your Negotiating Committee wanted to share an important update as we work to sign our first Tentative Agreement (TA) under ALPA.
We are proud of our efforts thus far, and as negotiations continue, we are down to the final items to negotiate towards CA #1.
In the interest of transparency, we want you to know that this deal, like many other first agreements, should be seen as a good foundation to build on future contracts. We hope as the TA finalizes; we make some gains to improve the quality of life of our members going forward. It will create the structure needed in a collective bargaining agreement for us to not only establish binding work rules, something we have lacked up to now, but it will also give us clear pain points to be negotiated on for our next bargaining cycle which our goal is have in a fairly short time.
Once an agreement is reached, we will present the finalized TA for your consideration. This will be accompanied by a roadshow schedule and other educational pieces to help you not only understand the "what" is in the agreement, but also the "why". We believe having as much information as possible at your disposal will make you better educated on the TA to make an informed voting decision.
We feel our pilot group deserves an opportunity to vote on their first agreement negotiated by your Negotiating Committee and the Company and not have it handed down by a third party (e.g. arbitration) who is not familiar with our specific issues we are trying to solve. This TA will not only capture quality of life enhancements, but most importantly, it will protect you under the Canada Labour Code and allow ALPA to be your representative!
Thank you for your patience, and please stay tuned for future emails with further updates.
In unity,
Your Negotiating Committee